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Longevity Partners

Office template development - Word, Excel & PowerPoint

Requirement: Templates in Word, Excel & PowerPoint to produce reports easily and ensure consistent branding worldwide.

Solution:  Longevity Partners is a global and independent multidisciplinary sustainability consultancy.  As a rapidly expanding organisation, they are keen to ensure that client facing documents and presentations not only follow a consistent theme and corporate branding standards, but also incorporate time-saving features to help employees to create them quickly and efficiently.  After initial discussions with Longevity Partners, SJM Training made recommendations for setting up an Office theme for templates and advised on the best method of making templates available to users and of creating/maintaining updated versions.  

A Word template for A4 reports was created by Sally.  This included features such as content controls, list and paragraph styles and quick parts to provide consistency and ease of use.  Several iterations of testing feedback and subsequent updates ensured that the functionality was as comprehensive and user-friendly as possible.  Support on the introduction and ongoing maintenance of the template was provided by online training and electronic guides.

A training session for the Marketing & Communications team was organised to explain template concepts, examine the report template in more detail to enable them to carry out updates in the future and to demonstrate how to modify the UK template to create international versions in different languages. A training session introducing the A4 report template was also conducted.  Invitations were sent company-wide and the session was recorded to be available as part of future on-boarding processes.  Quick Reference Guides containing step-by-step instructions, shortcuts and tips were written to help users become familiar with the report template. In addition, full template documentation was also provided.